Talk Like Ted The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds Carmine Gallo

Amazing book! Awesome for the preparation for my Tedx talk. Such an interesting read and so much wisdom regarding the psychology behind delivering a speech.


The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

It’s a story about the journey of self-discovery and gives the reader the confidence to follow his or her dreams. I read this when I came to New Zealand and it resonated with me on so many levels. Could’nt put it down.


You Can Heal Your LifeLouise Hay

A very close friend put this book into my hands when I was in the midst of my cancer journey. I was’nt ready to read it then but I was went I got home. It was a hard read initially because the content was quite hard to digest. But the further through the book I got the better. By the time I had read the whole thing I felt like my life had been impacted by the teachings within the book. I’m looking forward to going back through and cementing some of the teachings into my life. This book is a life changing book, but the time has to be right to read it and when it is it will all make sense.




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